Winter 2020 Off Season Training

Get your winter off season off on the right foot.

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Supernovas, today we start our foundational training.

The off season training calls for a 44 minute daily average for the next 36 days (M -Sa). Remember to keep your pace nice and easy, conversational pace, throughout the off season.

The idea behind off season training is to build your foundation for the upcoming season.

This is also a great time to get into a cross sport activity such as swimming, yoga, karate etc. Actively participating in another sport will help develop other parts of your body you otherwise wouldn’t use during a run. So if your going to cheat on running now is the time.

Lastly get in 15-30 minutes of core workouts every other day (Tue, Thur, Sat) The Nike Training App has some great workouts. At the very least get in 2-4 x 100 meter strides plus 40-60 yards of proper lunges to build your leg strength.

These are my recommendations based on my experience that have proven successful, you can alter the formula as you wish.

Good luck out there Supernovas, look both way before crossing the street and mind the cross walks.

If you have any questions give us a shout on our website

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